Total Base Advancement Efficiency Baseball Statistic

- By Matthew Orso

TBAE (or known as Total Base Advancement Efficiency) is a new statistic that I invented. It shows how often base runners will advance bases. It incorporates stolen bases, doubles and triples (the statistics that involve base advancement) and divides them by the players' total bases. For example here is a list of some of the 26 greatest players of all time and their TBAE.

B. Ruth 123 506 136 5793 0.132
T. Williams 24 525 71 4884 0.127
T. Cobb 897 724 295 5854 0.327
W. Mays 338 523 140 6066 0.165
R. Hornsby 135 541 169 4712 0.179
L. Gehrig 102 534 163 5060 0.158
H. Aaron 240 624 98 6856 0.14
R. Henderson 1406 510 66 4588 0.432
T. Speaker 436 792 222 5101 0.284
J. Foxx 87 458 125 4956 0.135
H. Wagner 723 643 252 4870 0.332
M. Mantle 153 344 72 4511 0.126
E. Collins 741 438 187 4268 0.32
A. Pujols 83 453 15 3886 0.142
F. Robinson 204 528 72 5373 0.15
C. Gehringer 181 574 146 4257 0.212
R. Clemente 83 440 166 4492 0.153
K. Griffey Jr. 184 524 38 5271 0.142
N. Lajoie 380 657 163 4471 0.268
G. Brett 201 665 137 5044 0.199
A. Rodriguez 305 495 29 5213 0.159
M. Schmidt 174 408 59 4404 0.146
M. Ott 89 488 72 5041 0.129
P. Rose 198 746 135 5752 0.188
J. DiMaggio 30 389 131 3948 0.139
C. Ripken Jr. 36 603 44 5168 0.132
A. Kaline 137 498 75 4852 0.146

You add the stolen bases, doubles and triples together. Then you divide by the total bases to get the TBAE. It puts emphases on the base runners decision making and advancement skills.

For example Babe Ruth has a TBAE of .132. So he advanced a base 13.2 % of the time.

This statistic was developed by Matthew Orso of NJ Baseball Magazine.

Author of the upcoming book Baseball: Plain and Simple.

What Other Visitors Have Said:

What Question Does This Stat Answer? - By Jay (Dallas)

So the stat shows base advancement, when can this be used in a real world setting? What question does it answer? @poormansPOV

Eliminate total Bases From Homeruns - By David Sussman (CA)

This is good but I would eliminate home run total bases from denominator. I think this would make it so you do not penalize the athletic power hitter.


Good Point, But - By Matthew

That is a good point, but the main objective of the stat is to promote base advancement. The best players will shine in this if they have the amount of doubles, triples and stolen bases. In this case you do want to penalize the power hitters to see if they are all around great hitters and contribute to the runs.

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